Saturday, May 25, 2013

Burger Tracks!

Waiting for the train late at night, we found these tracks had a burgeresque quality about them. 
(Red Line, Chicago, April 14th 2013)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Fat & Furious Burger

Found this imaginative website on the internet featuring all kinds of burgers in exciting situations. It has dozens of original recipes, though they are all in French, you'll get the idea! Very creative! 
Check it out at:

(photo taken from fatandfuriousburger website)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Burpin' Burger

This cute lil' key chain burps loudly when you press it's button.

(T.O. 2013)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Burger... BEER!

Burger in a can?!  It's BEER!!!  Burger Beer.  It tastes just like... beer.  Took this photo while in Cincinnati Ohio.  Quality Burger Beer.  Classic.
(Northside Tavern, Cincinnati 2010-06-19)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Burger Balloon in Aisle One

Burger balloon flying through the air
through the aisles of the supermarket, you dare
Dripping cheese on sesame bun
lettuce, ground beef, tomato become One
(in aisle one)

(snapped this photo while in Edmonton, Alberta 2011-07-20)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Burger City!

My brother went to Japan and sent this T-shirt back as a gift.  Hot Rods, burgers, Japan, AMAZING!  I wonder if they have sushi burgers?  I've seen sushi pizza on menus, so why not a sushi burger! I suppose it'd be pretty hard to eat...
(T-shirt design by Mooneyes pinstriper Hiro "Wildman" Ishii)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Neon Burger

I would've killed for one of these in my bedroom growing up. 
We took this photo when walking around in New York last year. I like that they didn't feel the need to make some perfect burger, but the real greasy, dripping cheese type that we all know and love. "Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your lips" !!  (the first is eating burgers of course!)
(NYC February 2012)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Burger Wallets

While also in Chicago, we saw these burger wallets in an art store. Stuff that in your back pocket hey!


Friday, May 17, 2013

Steakhouse Burger at Ditka's in Chicago

We were in Chicago recently and stumbled into Ditka's after our early morning flight. Starved and weary, we were delighted to find their Steakhouse Burger, one of the best burgers we have ever had! I ate most of the fries before we took this picture because I was starving... and I don't like cold fries.

Listen, we will not be posting that many real food shots because this burger blog is really just for the love of burgers, and not food reviews. but this was a good burger. I mean, a REALLY good burger!!


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Burger Bell

ding dong dang this is neat, a burger bell for your bike!!
Incidentally, I noticed this on a friend's bike when we were going out for, what else, burgers!!

(May 31, 2012)